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Our Collective History of Success

PECG’s success, the success of all state engineers and related professionals, is entirely dependent on our collective effort. To help advance PECG’s objectives and protect your own interests, please take the time and effort to encourage non-members to join PECG. Achieving and maintaining a high level of membership is PECG’s source of power at the bargaining table, and provides the resources necessary to effectively advocate for our members in all venues – the Governor’s Administration, Legislature, courts, media, state agencies and departments, and CalPERS.

A high percentage of membership is, quite simply, the key to improving the pay, pensions, health care and job security of our members. A high membership level also greatly increases the likelihood that we will have engaged leaders and members invested in PECG’s continued success. As history has proven, we are stronger working together through collective effort.

Questions asked by Members

Example Parental Leave Timeline and Information

Detailed Information about Leave Types

We know how difficult it is to understand the various parental leave options. The Fort Sutter section has created resources to help our members understand what options are available to them.

An overview of how much leave you can expect, an example timeline, and human resources contact information for your agency can be found here. For a more detailed summary of the types of leave available, click here. Parental leave depends on individual circumstances, so to develop your specific plan we recommend you reach out to the appropriate contact in your agency.

Effective July 1, 2023, Unit 9 rank and file members will be eligible to participate in the Non-Industrial Disability Insurance – Family Care Leave (NDI-FCL) program at no cost. NDI-FCL is the same no cost paid family leave benefit provided to the State’s supervisors and managers in 2019. The program closely mirrors paid family leave by providing Unit 9 employees (on annual leave), with significant wage replacement for up to six weeks each year to bond with a new child (including adopted children or foster care placements), and to care for a seriously ill family member. A family member under NDI-FCL means child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, spouse, or registered domestic partner. Employees who exhaust their Family Care Leave (NDI-FCL) benefits within any 12-month period, remain eligible to participate in the ENDI program.

The PECG is proud to offer up to 15 scholarships, ranging from $300 to $3,000 each, as a member-only benefit for PECG members and their dependents in their continuing education.Student must be a PECG member; PECG retired member; and/or a PECG member dependent.

A dependent is considered a spouse or child of a PECG member or a PECG retired member. Student must be currently enrolled and attending an accredited college or university. This includes associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate. Student must be pursuing a degree in a PECG related field of study — engineering or related professional field represented by PECG. Student must hold at least a 2.5 overall grade point average (GPA).

VPLP allows eligible employees to receive additional leave time in return for a corresponding reduction in pay. The program is available to rank-and-file and excluded employees, and employees may voluntarily participate on a continuous basis. For rank-and-file employees, participation in the VPLP is subject to the employee’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

A good rule of thumb to follow: if someone asks you questions about something that happened in the past – why you did or didn’t do something – you have the right to have a representative with you before you answer questions.

Sometimes, a meeting can change, right in the middle, from a counseling session to one where you should have a representative present. If that happens, simply (politely) let the person asking questions know that you would like to invoke your right to have a representative present and leave the room to call PECG immediately.

Sometimes you need individual representation or want clarification about one of the many benefits provided by the MOU. PECG has expert labor relations consultants and attorneys, who are experienced in representing state engineers and related professionals on all workplace-related issues, standing by to serve you whenever you need them.

For help with any of the following issues, PECG is just a phone call or email away: MOU Questions, Adverse Actions, Dismissals, Suspensions, Salary Reductions, Rejections During Probation, Investigatory Interviews, Performance Issues and Evaluations, Promotional Matters, SPB Merit Appeals, Exam Appeals, Unlawful Appointments, or Health and Safety.

PECG offers discounted group plan life insurance coverage for PECG members and their dependents. Due to group rates, plan features are better, and the cost is lower than most other individual or group plans. The PECG package of insurance benefits includes coverage for dependent children, accidental death and dismemberment, and long-term disability. Members automatically receive the Basic Life $10,000 (Active) $1,500 (Retired) and Basic AD&D $5,000 (Active) $1,500 (Retired) at no additional cost and it terminates at age 70.

The contract or “Memorandum of Understanding” is negotiated by bargaining teams from PECG and the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR). The contract covers wages, benefits, working conditions, and related topics.

The process typically begins with a Bargaining Priorities Questionnaire distributed to PECG members so that they can establish the issues and their priorities for the PECG Bargaining Team. The PECG Bargaining Team prepares and presents the initial proposal for a new contract to CalHR.

The PECG Bargaining Team prepares and presents the initial proposal for a new contract to CalHR during the spring. In theory, CalHR should respond and the parties should attempt to negotiate an agreement to present to the Legislature before the budget is finalized.

In practice, CalHR has historically (under every administration) waited until after the budget passes and then begins negotiating, once the state budget’s financial picture is clearer. Thus, bargaining can drag on after a contract’s term has ended, through the summer or even into subsequent years before agreement is reached.

After an agreement is reached between the PECG and CalHR Bargaining Teams, it is presented to the PECG Unit 9 members for their approval or rejection. Once a contract is approved by the PECG membership and the Legislature, it is printed and distributed to PECG members and management.

The PECG MOU authorizes Unit 9 employees to cash out up to 80 hours of accumulated vacation or annual leave each year if their department has funds available to make the payments. Per the MOU, employees wishing to cash out a portion of their leave are to submit a written request during the month of May.

Payments are expected to be sent out in June. To learn more about the leave buy-back program and to see a list of the largest Unit 9 employers, their leave buy-back status, and the maximum leave hours an employee may cash out this year, please click here.

Latest Activities

Fort Sutter Section Reports and Bylaws

2024 4th Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 4th quarter section activities.

2024 3nd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 3rd quarter section activities.

2024 2nd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 2nd quarter section activities.

2024 1st Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 1st quarter section activities.

2023 4th Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 4th quarter section activities.

2023 3rd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 3rd quarter section activities.

2023 2nd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 2nd quarter section activities.

2023 1st Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 1st quarter section activities.

2022 4th Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 4th quarter section activities.

2022 3rd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 3rd quarter section activities.

2022 2nd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 2nd quarter section activities.

2022 1st Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 1st quarter section activities.

2021 4th Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 4th quarter section activities.

2021 3rd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 3rd quarter section activities.

2021 2nd Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 2nd quarter section activities.

2021 1st Quarter


Details on Fort Sutter 1st quarter section activities.



Information on Fort Sutter Bylaws Amended 8-2022.