As Director, Jeff Kessler serves on PECG's Board of the Directors.
Working toward achieving the objectives of PECG for the benefit of all the members in the Fort Sutter Section;
Shall inform the Board on all matters of interest from the section;
Shall inform the section of all actions of the Board.
As President, Steven Johnson is chief executive of the Section.
Exercise direct supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the section;
Appoint chairmen of, and have general supervision, direction and control of all section committees except the nominating Committee and election Committee.
Please email Steven at FSPECG@GMAIL.COM with your comments or concerns.
As President-Elect, Aman Bains is designated as the second alternate to the President.
Shall act as assistant to the President and in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.;
Shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President.
As Vice President Supervisory, Alex Stockton represents the section at Supervisory and Management Committee meetings.
Serve as an advisor to the President in matters affecting section members designated as supervisors or managers;
Provide needs and input, from section supervisors and managers to the PECG Meet and Confer Team;
Serve as section representative for supervisory and management members' grievances, claims, appeals, etc.
Please email Alex at FSPECG@GMAIL.COM with your comments or concerns.
As Vice President Rank and File, Raina Ryan will represent the section at collective bargaining committee meetings.
Provide section views, needs and input to the PECG negotiating team;
Serve as section representative for rank and file members' grievances, claims, appeals, etc;
Serve as an advisor to the President on collective bargaining matters affecting section members.
Please email us at FSPECG@GMAIL.COM with your comments or concerns.
As Secretary, Julie Cooper serves the section by recording section activites.
Shall keep, a book of minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the section. For the annual meetings of the members of the Corporation, if held by sections, these minutes shall include the time and place of holding, the notice given, the number of members present, and the proceedings thereof, a copy of which shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Corporation;
Shall keep, a register showing the names of members and their addresses. A copy of the register and any changes therein shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Corporation as provided in the Corporate Bylaws;
Shall maintain or cause to be maintained, the current official copies of the Articles of Incorporation, the SECTION charter, the Corporate Bylaws, Corporate Policy Pile and these SECTION Bylaws. These documents shall be available for inspection by any member.
As Treasurer, Kyle Bly serves the section by maintining funds for the section membership.
Shall collect and keep the special funds of the section in the manner prescribed by the Executive Committee;
Shall disburse the special funds of this sectiom only on the approval of, and in the manner prescribed by the Executive Committee;
Shall keep, or caused to be kept, an accurate accounting of all the special funds of this section in a manner prescribed by the Board or Corporate Bylaws;
Shall prepare, all financial reports required by the Corporate or section Bylaws, the Board or the Executive Committee.